Work in progress
in pastel on Canson pastel board -
large-ish -
haven't measured it yet.
While cleaning out some portfolios and loading things into my flat files,
I found a piece that I started many, many years ago.
There was a reason I held onto it.
It had a vision from the 'get-go'.
I loved that mad chicken.
It makes the painting.
So, I got 'back to it' a few days ago,
knowing that I would eventually
be left with painting that lovely handmade basket.
Not a problem, I know baskets -
my mom taught me how to make them,
also many moons ago.
It's just going to take some more days to get it done.
Bad news - I had to almost RE-DO the commission of the drummer -
see a few post ago.
I attempted to varnish it,
knowing quite well it was not ready for it.
It schmeared some of the lighter colors across the surface.
Not good on that dark background and lighted figure.
Been there, done that -
mad because I knew it would.
But glad today I fixed it back to it's original colors
and it's now - even better - than it was.
Now it just needs to dry AGAIN.
Oil paint drying time can be very unpredictable.
I have started using Liquin mixed with the oil paints
but hadn't done it on this one ~ but I have now!
Learn by doing - learn from mistakes.