"Eggies for Breakfast"
6" x 5" approx.
watercolor on Strathmore
We have 2 laying hens..and they lay enough so we no longer HAVE to buy
store bought eggs. Farm eggs are so much better, I think.
Since it turned spring, our little Bantam, "Chickenator", spends her days sitting
on her own egg or the other hen's egg...day in and day out. The past few days it seems as though we have changed her mind,
as the eggs get plucked out of the boxes each day
whether or not she is trying to brood. She is seen more often out of the coop.
It's difficult having chickens because during the summer we like to travel..and much as I would like to - I won't strap them to the top of the RV and take them along...although I bet somewhere it's been done. I think of the "chicken buses" I saw in Guatemala a few years ago. Those are much tougher chickens than ours.