Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Painting for Today

"Hills - Ojo Caliente, N.M."

9" x 12" - oil on canvasboard

I began this in my workshop and finished it in the studio today. I love the way the light hits these hills in the afternoon. The cool and warm shadows are amazing with the colors of the dirt and vegetation. The photo I used was actually in taken in November. I feel you can go to NM any time of year and see some really awesome sights for painting.

I worked a little on the last painting posted a few days ago, made a few adjustments and took it to a more finished piece.

1 comment:

Victoria on Okinawa said...

The sense of depth comes across so much stronger on the highway to Espanola in this finished 2nd posting. I love the use of purple in the Ojo painting and the sky!

Adventures in Pyrography

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