Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Golden Day

"Proposition for the Sacrificial Lamb"
9" x 12"
mixed media, watercolor and pastel on UART paper

Here is today's practice of the last lesson I was able
to take in...
Here is the start of how it goes
 Looking deep within to find something - anything
that stirs my imagination.

Found it and then some as I worked along
(plastic overlay let's me do a quick outline of 
my image)

As you can see, it changed a little, it's so easy for me
to get carried away, when the sky is the limit.


Chris Lally said...

Stunning! I don't know what else to say...

Pattie Wall said...

I am feeling that comfort piece I so love, not here right now...hopefully it will get more comfortable as I go and learn. Oy, thanks for keeping up with me.

Art Still GOING On

(I've been really neglectful of this space. Yikes!)   This summer we planted TREES on our property - spent so much time caring for them,...