Friday, July 9, 2010

A Creative Return

Beginning of an acrylic landscape that happened while in KC...had to put this on my blog to jumpstart me back into the studio.  It's been awhile - many of you know that I have been working this summer - not painting.  Now it's time to paint again.  I am ready in my mind, but things keep popping up to keep me away. Then, I think I get into that "fear of doing art" again.  It's like falling off a horse - you just have to get up and get back on it - I suppose.  It's not the same feeling as not being happy with what you are's different.  So many ideas are in my head.  I will be working in the days ahead to get the cobwebs cleared and get cranking again.  AND...I can't wait for that feeling to return.


Angela Elledge said...

Getting away, even work related, is good for the soul, but, boy oh boy, does it play with your head until you get to return to painting again. I say jump in with both feet, slap some paint on a canvas, and have fun! I look forward to your new paintings!

Gwen Bell said...

Can't wait to have you back again! You are so right, it will come back to you like a duck to water. If fact, you might find you enjoy it more than ever. That happens sometimes after a break.

Victoria on Okinawa said...

I know what you're feeling, happens to me all the time! The joy of painting is there just like the joy of riding that horse so you always want to get back on but I really don't want to fall again. But I'm learning the falling down helps me get back my direction and improve my skills. Hoping those cobwebs clear out and you're up and going again. I love the slant in this painting, I feel it, like what's over that hillside or what's at the bottom, and where will it take me kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Pattie! Your landscape has such beauty already.

Pattie Wall said...

Yes Vicky, very true about helping refine the direction and improve. I am thinking of adding something to the landscape painting that is not in the source combining two photos into one...thanks Kay for your kind comment!

Pattie Wall said...

Sorry Gwen and Angela, computers not being perfect, just found your comments in the they are here.

Adventures in Pyrography

 Last year about this time, I purchased a cheapo woodburning set and some little wood pieces and tried my hand at woodburning.  I made a few...