It doesn't have a title yet...this is done from my photo along the Gibbon River near Virginia Cascades in the Norris area of Yellowstone National Park. I have really enjoyed painting this one! Each day (5 days worth) I would bring it into the house and prop it up in the kitchen so I could evaluate it with that day's progress. The reason being it is LARGE - 24" x 30". When painting this big, it's so much about the background, midground and foreground. Each area has a little different treatment and focus. As you saw in my last post on Day 2 (click here to see it quickly), was getting the canvas covered with midvalues. From there I worked up and down the value scale and color temperature. There is a few spots I see that I might rework a little, but overall, I am pleased with the results. I have tried different frames on the Frames by Mail website you can 'try on' different frames.
I need to keep looking. There hasn't been the perfect one found yet.