6" x 6"
oil on Raymar canvasboard
I have painted my Weimar in this challenge -
so it's only fair to paint my red Doxie, Chaco, by himself.
He is my little buddy, he is a lap dog
and snuggles with us on the
bed at night, misses me when I am gone and
can't leave me alone anytime - when
I am here.
Whatever room I am in, he is there.
WELL - that's the challenge! I did it!
I never thought I couldn't.
But what I realize IS all this painting and feeling
more confident than ever,
will all fritter away with the
wind, if I don't keep up my momentum.
I WILL be taking a few days off to get some beginning of the year stuff going, which I have neglected terribly.
Would I do it again? Maybe - - if I had taken a head's-up approach. I took it on - as just a whim, at first..serious, although a quick decision was made when I saw Leslie's blog. I guess that is the beauty of being an artist, you can adjust to things that come your way that relate to your art.
I could see taking a 5 day week once in awhile and doing a painting every day.
It keeps you thinking quickly, moving along, without getting hung up on little stuff and looking at the overall - I caught myself saying, "What is the MOST important thing I want to work here?"
I have learned alot - mostly about color mixing and value AND finding a balance between a 'painterly' approach and a more 'classical' approach is something I will always work on. I have seen a lot of other's great artworks, made a few friends, received lots of nice compliments, my blog traffic has grown, I have gained some new 'followers', and basically come to realize what it has to be -
to get some serious artwork done -
I love my ritual.
I live 'in the zone' MORE now.
Thanks to Leslie - for providing the opportunity,
the cheerleading,
and the challenge to paint.
I have 30 new paintings - staring at me now.
Several have sold - and I am grateful for that.
Many are listed on Etsy or Daily Paintworks if you
are interested. See my sidebar.
P.S. If you have been a frequent visitor, I hope to help you stay interested
in visiting in the future. Painting is my life - and I WILL blog about it.