With all the travel lately, I am not going anywhere - on purpose!

Yeah, I am able to get back to the studio!
This one is being entered in a nearby miniature show in Grand Island, Nebraska.
Let 'art' lift your spirits, whether you make 'art' it or view it.
In this crazy state of uncertainty...ART SAVES LIVES, now more than ever!
Kick back, watch a little Nascar. I would after a trip like you had. I would have been shipped off to Guantanamo if my return trip was like yours. Did you eat all your corn? :) I would make a little ethanol. Don't forget to do Karins pumpkin.
More like watch the Broncos get beat by "no win" KC...ha! I think the return trip was to challenge me...no sleep, makes me a very different critter.
The corn was sooo good, we couldn't have eaten it all...with all the traveling and working away from here, some of it went to the wild! I will attempt the pumpkins...maybe...
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