Friday, September 27, 2024

Art Still GOING On

(I've been really neglectful of this space. Yikes!)  This summer we planted TREES on our property - spent so much time caring for them, and when not doing that, we tried to continue to GO traveling and camping.  Here are a few of the summer's 'additions to the stack in the studio'.  The gallery that I am a member of recently sponsored a week-long plein air event.  There are 3 painting below that I painted during that event.  AND I was on the planning committee as a PR rep.  I learned how to write and create press for different news media.  Exciting and fun!

"Andromeda" mixed media on canvas

"Sunrise Over the Wet Mountains" pan pastel on LaCarte 
(plein air outside my studio one morning)

"Snuggle Time" pastel on LaCarte

"Pure Purple" pan pastel and pastel on LaCarte
(plein air of MY petunias)

"Zinnias" pastel on LaCarte 
(this one won an award in the plein air competition)

"Wise and Wary" mixed media on Jack Richeson panel

"Pepper" mixed media on Jack Richeson panel
(I painted Pepper during the plein air event at Sky Fall Ranch 
in the Wet Mountains)

"Gnarly" pastel on LaCarte

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happy 17th Blogiversary to ME

 I would like to admit, it's still here, I'm still here and it's still worthy of my attention - although sporadic.   Here are a few new paintings/works in progress. I have been busy taking online courses with Kara Bullock Art with Kimberly Santini, different artists who do faces and figures and a monthly with Tara Will.  Learning, always learning new stuff, techniques and methods. I am filled to the top with ideas.  I have several commissions and am involved in matting and displaying for the 'kids art' wall at the gallery for Sangres Art Guild every month.  

 Both are works in progress in acrylic paint on board

One that is finished - 'Shades of Kansas', in acrylic.

We are busy improving our property and home, since we aren't going to Alaska this year (that's been the situation for the past two years - traveling to Alaska for a good part of the summer.)
Living on the high desert - we have had NO trees - but it's time to plant some.  We rented a tractor/hole digger/skidder yesterday and are making holes for new trees we purchased and will be delivered as soon as we can schedule the delivery, all pines for now. Making some places for some bushes and shrubs, too.

I'm doing some gardening this summer - vegetables that seem to grow here without much fuss, 
even though it's at 8200 feet - like zukes, tomatoes, popcorn - maybe pumpkins.  Very short season.
Working inside with painting and organizing. 
Needing to build a new deck on the back of the house 
to replace the one that is very old and falling down.

Getting pumped up for a road trip to Missouri for the annual Gray Family Reunion around the 4th.

If you are still reading this blog - thanks.  As I said, it's here, I'm here and YOU must be here, too.

Monday, March 18, 2024

More NEW art pieces


Lukki - watercolor 9" x 12"

acrylic done from Unsplash ph ref, thanks C Deluvio!

Monday, March 4, 2024

Time is a Flyin'

 I have been busy friends!  I have let my poor little blog - go to the wind - lately.  Thought I would take a moment to share some of my artwork since the first of the year...I have been involved in many online learning pursuits - most (but not all) of these are from a year long course called "Let's Face It" from Kara Bullock Art School, where we have a certain idea of materials and subject matter (although I usually change that part up to make it MY OWN).  One of my 2024 goals is to improve the human face and figure painting and drawing, so I can create better 'fantasy' and 'storyteller'  human interfaced with animal - themes. Let me know what you think!

Pencil drawing

Acrylic paint


Oil paint


Pencil drawing

Pastel (that's Ellie from The Last of Us)


Oil paint


I have recently reloaded my Daily Paintworks shop - see sidebar and click there.
I also am filling up my Etsy shop - with more of the same....
Check it out!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Monday, November 13, 2023


 For the last gallery show of the year I am submitting these 5 paintings, all done during that 30 in 30 time back in April.  Painting 30 in 30, usually gives me a thrust forward for submissions when I don't have time to crank any out for a show. That is the case here.

"Female Cardinal" SOLD

Why don't I have the time?  Winter approaching has had us both (DH and I) scrambling to get those tasks done that only can be done in warmer weather. So far, only one big snow - now dry as a bone and no sight on moisture for the next 10 days.  Either we are in for a surprise later in the month or ???

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Family Reunion #49

 My mom's side of the family, the Grays - hold an annual family reunion on July 4th at my Aunt's place (she lives on a lake and acreage) near Rolla, Mo. Over the years, there have been 5 generations that have enjoyed this major life event.  I drove myself to that reunion this year, from Colorado to Missouri.  I don't always get to attend. Glad I did so. We have regular events and activities - one is a float trip down the Current River. 39 people floated this year, complete with a storm of a downpour of rain and straight line winds.  The power at the lodge went out for about 18 hours.  53 people without water or electricity - made for an interesting bit of visiting.  But, all in all, it was exciting and great fun!  There was a major, major fireworks show on Sunday night, July 2nd, hosted by my cousins from Texas.  The biggest show I have ever seen.  Next year will be 50!  I guess I'd better gear up for attending!

Art Still GOING On

(I've been really neglectful of this space. Yikes!)   This summer we planted TREES on our property - spent so much time caring for them,...