Thursday, December 25, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Time OUT
I am taking time out most of December to reorganize, regenerize and experience a 'discardia' of unwanted and unused items in my studio environment.
My husband and I built some new shelves in a closet that was jammed with some of the discardia, and is now getting a 'storage use' makeover.
Being an artist/painter is just part of what I do in my studio. I also house yarn and fabric,
glass cutting equipment and stained glass, scrapbooking and stamping,
batik materials and tools, and my library of artists magazines..and books galore.
But I am saying to myself with each and every touch of those items - "If you had to or wanted to move
to another location (someday) is this 'thing' worth holding onto?" Would I gladly 'move' it
or say, "Why didn't I get rid of this earlier when I had a chance?".. thereby making the move smoother.
Along with creating more space, by opening up cluttered areas and tossing, I have discovered
that there are still LIVES and TIMES among my little rodent friends that make it into the studio from outdoors...pre-"studio cats" I believe, but all the same, they can get into the most amazing little spaces and leave their mark. We have discovered a few 'entrance' possibilities
and have sewed and buckled them up ~ tighter.
Anyway - - - that is how much stuff I have - too much to keep track of.
Too much to look at - and some I will never use or look at's just that decision time.
Almost finished...
finished...12 1/2 feet long by 24" deep - floor to ceiling - 3 shelves, not counting the floor but can't put too much there due to moisture that comes up through the concrete in wet times. I also have a new aluminum
step ladder for this short person to climb up to the top shelf.
That ought to do it!
Stay tuned for the beginning of '30 in 30' starting Jan. 1st!!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Zebras on Throw Pillows
Go HERE to see a new addition to my online marketplaces -
it's at, an addition to Fine Art America.
Here is an example of the size and price
(smaller sizes and other items are available, too) -
this 20" x 20" throw pillow is only $38.00!!
What a great addition to a bedroom, living room, or RV!
Thanks for checking it out!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
A Self-Portrait in Oil Paint
10" x 20"
oil on wrapped canvas
Wisteria is a symbol for longevity, among other things.
I chose a photo that my
brother took of me - a very, very long time ago - to work from.
I have embellished some to make it more 'narrative'.
For now, I am calling this done, but as in the past,
I have realized the longer I look at it,
the more I am liable to make a few tweaks.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
A Finished Painting of Three Dogs
"Three Dog Night"
24" x 36"
oil on black canvas
Finished and allowing drying time, and will have it to
LOOK AT while I organize and PAINT ON.
Always see something, but not going to NOODLE this one.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
oil on 24" x 26" black gessoed canvas
I have had this photograph I took of my three dogs
hanging on the fridge for many years.
The black and tan Herman, passed 4 years ago, so it's been awhile.
In fact this photo I am using was taken very soon after moving
from Colorado to Kansas. It was that 'first' winter
and they were all huddled up on their
dad's lap on the couch to get warm (and vie
for his attention - like a 'me - me - me!!').
I had to paint it, it was just a matter of
that FEAR you get
when you wonder if you
can paint it right --- looming
over my head all
these years.
I have waited and waited and finally
something told me it was time.
I have the dogs likenesses and expressions
down just about right,
now I just need to work on the
fur, the light, the shadows...continue
tweaking - it will look so great
hanging in our bedroom
above the Weims crate.
Here it is on yesterday's studio time...
Thanks for stopping by!
Please come back soon to see it finished.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Batman and Chaco
Today we have had hundreds of European Starlings migrating through, landing and eating off the grass, on the fence, on the roof. My dachshund Chaco has been in and out of the house - all morning barking and carrying on. A little earlier I had heard a fairly loud 'THUNK" like one of the birds may have hit the porch enclosure. A little later, DH called me to come outside and corral the dogs to go 'inside'.
There was a brown bat laying up near the house, panting and obviously in distress...wings outstretched, opening and closing it's mouth, showing it's teeth...if I could hear it - I would say it was growling...but no sound.
DH put it on a shovel and we removed it from the yard...
and placed it on the open and dry trailer in the's cold here today.
It still seemed to breath in a labored fashion though - like it had the wind knocked out of it? - and one leg was tucked underneath, so I was thinking it was injured somehow - pretty sure the dog had not hurt it, he only got close to bark and growl.
About 5 minutes later, I went back out towards the trailer to see if it was any improved or even I opened the door, a caught a shadow of something flying over - it must have been the bat.
It was gone.
Glad it regained it's little self and got back out to it's job.
All wild things have a place here ~ and we plan to keep it that way when we can.
Thought for Today
AS I was looking through my weekly updates
from several sites
from several sites
I visit regularly, I felt this one needed to be shared.
Here are 9 Reasons to Buy a Painting ~
(and it's NOT JUST to match the sofa)
I think of the spaces I have in my house
that tell of that inspiration and gallery effect
that the article above shares.
My bedside 'dream' corner - a dreamcatcher I got
from my DH when we were dating,
a copy of a petroglyph on a plaster plaque I bought at a store,
a painting of me and Chaco from one of my Where I Stand
Sunday photos painted by Susan Carlin/Texas,
a portrait of ME done in Fauvist style by Carol Nelson/Colorado,
a handpainted livestock bell given to me
by a first grade student many years ago ~
that hangs off the lamp and makes a sound
when I turn on the lamp (and that sound brings back memories
of teaching at Elk Creek Elementary in Pine, Co.) - and my lamp sits
on a hand towel crossstitched by ME.
It's a hodgepodge, it's eclectic and it's inspiring!
What are some gallery spaces that you have created?
Sometimes they are created without even knowing it.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
A Sunrise Painted in Watercolor and Pastel
"Harvest Sunrise"
10" x 36"
watercolor beginnings with pastel finishes
on Utrecht WC paper
I love to watch the sun change positions on the horizon
by the seasons where I live.
Right now, it's easier to see as it gets
closer to my first view out the
bedroom window
Saturday, November 1, 2014
A Watercolor of Some Pumpkins for Fall
"Scarlett's Jack-O-Lanterns"
11" x 14"
watercolor and colored pencil on Arches
Fall is my favorite time of year. Colors of the leaves, crisp fall air, chilling temps -
all commands a difference
in activities.
Halloween time - fun!
I like Halloween things all year long - the colors, the images, the excitement -
it helps to transform fall into winter for me.
We have been busy changing the scene for winter at the farmstead.
This is a painting of my granddaughter's carved pumpkins
last year when she was 6 years old.
I think the tall one, looks just like
one of her many drawings back then.
So nice to see her able to transpose it to a jack-o-lantern
face. The lights in their faces at dusk creates that special mood.
Monday, October 6, 2014
A Pastel of a Rabbit
"Wild Hare"
6" x 5"
pastel on UArt sandpaper
I picked up some UArt sandpaper in a sample package. This, and
the last pastel were done on the 240 grit, which
is the largest 'tooth' in the selection.
I don't think I like it for detail, it doesn't let the pastel get
down into the tooth without lots of scrubbing.
I think I need to downplay that 'purple' that shows up in this
photo, around the doesn't show up so much
on the easel - but it might.
800 grit, is supposed to be the
smoothest and finest.
I have read lots of artists like the 400 grit...maybe I will
try it in between today's and the 800.
A Pastel of a Chicken
"Then a Hen"
6" x 6"
pastel on sandpaper
This is my bossy hen, Harlough. She is now 3 1/2 years old and is
beginning to show her age. This girl has
always been bossy and queen of the
chicken yard.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Changing Colors ~ and Not the 'Fall' Kind
"Color Screamer"
6" x 6"
oil on Raymar canvasboard
Chameleon's are an interesting lizard.
Their 'ability to change color' is
the most amazing adaptation.
I don't think I have ever painted a lizard before.
This one was full of interesting patterns and strokes.
Just like the chameleon, this painting was about
creating the illusion of scaly skin and light.
Being an insectivore, it would be more
than welcome at my house.
I don't know anyone who has one, do you?
Monday, September 29, 2014
An Oil Painting of a Coyote
6" x 6"
oil on Raymar canvasboard
This coyote turned out to be looking rather -
"I'm not so sure...maybe I better be on my way.."
I like the results I got - it's all in his eyes.
Be a part of my campaign to LIKE my PATTIE WALL - FINE ARTIST
Facebook page.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Check This Out
"LIKE" my PATTIE WALL _ FINE ARTIST Facebook page - HERE!!
New listings and updating going on over at my Fine Art America page
New listings and updating going on over at my Fine Art America page
Need an on the front range of the Rockies, in Colorado? Why not
check out the Loveland Art Studio Tour! The gallery that I belong to
there will have many extra special sales and demos going on
during this event.
Oct. 11 & 12
Oct 18 & 19
10am - 5pm all days of those two weekends!!
I can't be there, but my ART sure is.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
An Oil Painting of Belgians
"Come Back, Max and Major!"
6" x 6"
oil on Raymar canvasboard
Prints and notecards of this painting are at my Fine Art America space - Click HERE!
Max and Major are two Belgian draft horses that live
down the road from me.
I have painted one of them - long time ago.
They are such a part of this local landscape.
I often find them near the fence on the road when
I want to photograph them,
they are sometimes coy.
But if you hang around long enough, they warm up to you and stand
to stare back.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
A Dog Portrait in Oil
8" x 8"
oil on wrapped canvas
buy prints or notecards at my Fine Art America space - HERE
This is my FB friend Lynn Krawczyk's little dog.
She posts so many cute photos of him, I just couldn't resist.
He reminds me of a 'bleached out' Toto - just that cute!
Lynn is a master fiber artist - you can see her blog HERE.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
A Self Portrait with Cat
"Crazy" Cat Lady
12" x 12"
oil on wrapped canvas
There is a sweet story behind this painting. In November (if you were here then you would remember) I saved a little black kitty, who was obviously abandoned in the cold. (Strangely enough, there was later a striped one we rescued, as well - other stories go with her)
From the moment I picked this little kitten up (not little anymore), we have had a special bond. Not a day goes by when I paint in the studio, that this kitten/cat doesn't climb either up the chair or jump from the desk behind me to my shoulders. She usually wraps herself around my neck like one of those vintage 'fox wraps' from long ago. She sometimes cradles herself in the fold of my painting apron, just as she has here, right below my chin.
Her name is Pyewacket - PYE for short.
I took several photos of us from time to time, but thought this would definitely make a GRRREAT self-portrait. Needless to say, after these cats arrived, my allergies kicked in, and I have a mild 'cat allergy' especially when she is rubbing into my face, but OH WELL...such is indoor cat ownership.
My friend Kelli, said to be sure I highlighted the word 'crazy' in the title - so there you are.
Little TINY kitty - PYE.
Both cats helping me paint.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Boston - 1st time...
Just returned from Boston, first trip there ~ ever. What a cool place! Of course, lots of people, but lots of history, too. My stepdaughter graduated from her Dietetic Internship at MGH. She is a Colorado girl who, as one of 10 interns, lived and survived in expensive Boston for this last year. And next up - she has been awarded a fellowship at Children's Hospital through Harvard Med School for 6 months. So proud of her!
It was interesting and refreshing to visit MGH, of which we got a quickie tour, and were able to sit at her graduation in the "Ether Dome", where the very first 'ether' surgery took place back in the 1800's.
I could just imagine 'doctors of the old days', sitting a watching surgeries - only I hope they could stand the heat for hours on end, that place was hot.
Happy girl, that it's over and happy girl on to the next piece in her life's destiny and passion.
We saw many neat things while there - did the whole experience on the "T" - subway and buses (a taxi here and there) and there were many yummy restaurants and cool venues!
U.S.S. Constitution and it's museum...
and many of the historical sights along the "Freedom Trail". We didn't do all of it, but about 1/2 of it.
Faneuil Hall...
TD Gardens...
Boston Public Gardens...(love this photo, how the sky reflection in the water
is SO incredibly BLUE!)
we rode on the swan boats, as well as walked quite a bit.
It was a fun trip to a place I had never even imagined.
As always, I let the inspiration 'well up in my soul'.
Such history, such proud and friendly people...loved it!
Monday, August 11, 2014
Busy Summer Time
It's hard to keep up with this blog these days, summer has found us very busy - just got back from a few weeks in the RV. Went to Colorado and stayed at some of our favorite spots - nice, quiet and cool spots mostly. Getting ready for more travel soon. In the meantime, here are a few photos.
Ute Pass views - Colorado
Ute Pass views - Colorado
Rain over Collegiate Peaks - Colorado, Taylor Reservoir
Wildflowers and butterfly - Arapaho National Forest
Using the RV 'air' to dust off the radiator from the dusty roads - makes it run a little cooler (sometimes) in the hot summer climbing hills...stay tuned for more.
Oh, and we welcomed a new grandchild into our family, as well..a little girl, born in Fort Collins.
Her name is Sterling.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
A Character Portrait in Oil Finished for Today
"Yes, Mr. Selznick!!"
(Miss Poppenghul, aka Jessica Leatherman)
9" x 12"
oil on canvasboard
Finished this one and I must say,
and it turned out JUST the way
I wanted it to. This is my daughter.
She played this part in the play "Moonlight and Magnolias"
presented by Open Stage in
Fort Collins in March of this year.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Practicing Portraits in Oil
This is a work in progress from today - it's a character that my daughter acted recently
in the play "Moonlight and Magnolias".
I have a long way to go - I so wrestle with skin tones and
there is not much contrast with the straight on pose for the camera -
but that is why I tackled it. Those photos are NOT good for portraits, but I love the challenge.
If it works out, I will be pleased. Likeness is getting there - still quite a bit to do on that.
Tomorrow is another day!
Funny how MUCH needed to change, see Sunday post above.
in the play "Moonlight and Magnolias".
I have a long way to go - I so wrestle with skin tones and
there is not much contrast with the straight on pose for the camera -
but that is why I tackled it. Those photos are NOT good for portraits, but I love the challenge.
If it works out, I will be pleased. Likeness is getting there - still quite a bit to do on that.
Tomorrow is another day!
Funny how MUCH needed to change, see Sunday post above.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
An Oil Painting of the Sunrise
"Sunrise 165"
oil on wrapped canvas
11" x 14"
This morning, I gessoed over about 12 used canvases.
My intention is to have substrates to 'practice' on for portraits.
Off to a good start! (Wait a minute - this is a landscape...)
As I was putting away a stack of 'maybe's' -
this one was still propped up on my easel.
I decided to dive right into it, as I had lots of landscape colors left
on my palette from the 'wolf' painting.
This is a sunrise on my dirt farm road. I loved the colors in the sky.
One thing I need to say about Kansas - it has sunrises and sunsets
like no other.
This one really caught me!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
An Oil Painting of a Wolf Pack
"Hanging in the Balance"
12" x 24"
oil on wrapped canvas
Caught a few steps of this painting - as I went along, below.
Started a week ago and have worked on it almost every day
Wolves in the U.S. ~ have been taken off of
the 'endangered species list'.
They have flourished and are great in numbers and no longer
at risk, although ranchers/farmers still consider them a
threat to their livestock. Many - want them 'gone'
due to the threat they pose for other wildlife -
like deer, elk and moose.
I wish that huMANs could leave wildlife
to 'balance' itself without interference. I believe
wildlife management is key, but not in a
'micro-managed' or 'over managed' sense.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
A Portrait in Oil for Today
"Mile Marker 37"
6" x 6"
oil on canvasboard
Practicing portraits these past few days. Love painting people in glasses and sunglasses
and I liked the sunglasses on my daughter in the photo I used to paint from.
She took that photo when she was on her way across Kansas a few years back.
Lots of morning rain today - we will take it!
But we aren't too fond of the biting flies and mosquitoes that show up
afterwards in the mugginess.
P.S. - Oh to be blind - now that I look at it, there are some
glaring (to me) fixes I need to make, tomorrow.
P.S. - Oh to be blind - now that I look at it, there are some
glaring (to me) fixes I need to make, tomorrow.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
An Oil Painting of Roses for Today
9" x 12"
oil on canvasboard
Prints and notecards of this piece can be purchased
at my Fine Art America space
It's been several weeks since I last painted. So many things have stood in the those seasonal changes of things that have to be taken care of - in addition to extra chores and upkeep here - oh, and sewing for my 'girls'..
Took a trip to Colorado a week ago to spend time with my daughter and her family and to restock the gallery and hang some things in the flower shop where my daughter works. (See last post)
This is painted from the roses that were on the kitchen table at my daughter's house.
I liked the way the filtered light captured and sparkled in the vase.
The wood grain of the table enhances it's octagonal shape.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
New Listings on Etsy - New Art Hangin in the Galleries - Life is Good!
It's 98° outside, the mosquitoes are about to carry us inside I work today!
Made a trip to Independence Gallery in Loveland, Co. last week for "Night on the Town"
and added new art to the walls there.
Now showing and selling art at Paul Wood Florist in Fort Collins, Co.
Interested in something on this blog that you don't see for sale, let me know.
While I was in Fort Collins, I celebrated the upcoming birth of my 2nd grandaughter, Sterling.
She will arrive sometime in the next 5 or 6 weeks.
AND...I got my Colorado FIX! Love that state - someday - maybe - I will live closer to there!
My son-in-law is a VERY talented artist - it was great to see the B & W series he is working on
and be in his studio a bit. He is an awesome acrylic painter who has painted a lot of people!
Interested in something on this blog that you don't see for sale, let me know.
While I was in Fort Collins, I celebrated the upcoming birth of my 2nd grandaughter, Sterling.
She will arrive sometime in the next 5 or 6 weeks.
AND...I got my Colorado FIX! Love that state - someday - maybe - I will live closer to there!
My son-in-law is a VERY talented artist - it was great to see the B & W series he is working on
and be in his studio a bit. He is an awesome acrylic painter who has painted a lot of people!
This week will perhaps find me back in my OWN studio!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
3 1/2 Inches of Rain and a Spider in the Coffeemaker
Living amongst people in farm country is always interesting. Rain last night and heat (before we put the window AC in the bedroom) SLEEPING was a little haphazard, so we were sleeping in a little. Got a call bright and early from a neighbor who wanted to know 'how much rain we got'. DH said he hadn't looked (at the rain gauge) yet. Neighbor said he got 3.35". Well, I know it only rained for a little bit, or at least that seemed like all the time I had to almost close the window near my side of the bed.
Upon getting out there, we too, had over 3.35". Most rain we have had in 'a forever'! I swear, between closing the window and reopening the window, to keep rain out, it was only about 1/2 hour but it must have been longer. Wow! We live by a runs over fairly quickly when there is flashflooding, thank goodness we are on higher ground. Looking skyward, we may get some more this morning..or it might just be 'burn off'.
Water went over the road at the bridge and we have water where we usually don't have water.
And there was a spider scurrying quickly around the top of the coffeemaker as I started to make a brew..he scurried so fast, I think he may be part of what we are drinking..ewww. Oh well.
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Adventures in Pyrography
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