Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happy 17th Blogiversary to ME

 I would like to admit, it's still here, I'm still here and it's still worthy of my attention - although sporadic.   Here are a few new paintings/works in progress. I have been busy taking online courses with Kara Bullock Art with Kimberly Santini, different artists who do faces and figures and a monthly with Tara Will.  Learning, always learning new stuff, techniques and methods. I am filled to the top with ideas.  I have several commissions and am involved in matting and displaying for the 'kids art' wall at the gallery for Sangres Art Guild every month.  

 Both are works in progress in acrylic paint on board

One that is finished - 'Shades of Kansas', in acrylic.

We are busy improving our property and home, since we aren't going to Alaska this year (that's been the situation for the past two years - traveling to Alaska for a good part of the summer.)
Living on the high desert - we have had NO trees - but it's time to plant some.  We rented a tractor/hole digger/skidder yesterday and are making holes for new trees we purchased and will be delivered as soon as we can schedule the delivery, all pines for now. Making some places for some bushes and shrubs, too.

I'm doing some gardening this summer - vegetables that seem to grow here without much fuss, 
even though it's at 8200 feet - like zukes, tomatoes, popcorn - maybe pumpkins.  Very short season.
Working inside with painting and organizing. 
Needing to build a new deck on the back of the house 
to replace the one that is very old and falling down.

Getting pumped up for a road trip to Missouri for the annual Gray Family Reunion around the 4th.

If you are still reading this blog - thanks.  As I said, it's here, I'm here and YOU must be here, too.

1 comment:

Cindy D. said...

You know I am subscribed to Kara Bullock's Facebook group and they post so much great art! I probably subscribed because you mentioned it last time I was here. I wonder when that was - years, most likely! Holy cow. Your paintings are beautiful! I haven't painted in about 6 months but I've started a big project. Yay :) Hooray for trees.

Happy 17th Blogiversary to ME

 I would like to admit, it's still here, I'm still here and it's still worthy of my attention - although sporadic.   Here are a ...