Monday, December 15, 2014

Time OUT

I am taking time out most of December to reorganize, regenerize and experience a 'discardia' of unwanted and unused items in my studio environment.  

My husband and I built some new shelves in a closet that was jammed with some of the discardia, and is now getting a 'storage use' makeover.

Being an artist/painter is just part of what I do in my studio.  I also house yarn and fabric, 
glass cutting equipment and stained glass, scrapbooking and stamping, 
batik materials and tools, and my library of artists magazines..and books galore.

But I am saying to myself with each and every touch of those items - "If you had to or wanted to move
to another location (someday) is this 'thing' worth holding onto?"   Would I gladly 'move' it
or say, "Why didn't I get rid of this earlier when I had a chance?".. thereby making the move smoother.

Along with creating more space, by opening up cluttered areas and tossing, I have discovered
that there are still LIVES and TIMES among my little rodent friends that make it into the studio from outdoors...pre-"studio cats" I believe, but all the same, they can get into the most amazing little spaces and leave their mark.  We have discovered a few 'entrance' possibilities 
and have sewed and buckled them up ~ tighter.  

Anyway - - -  that is how much stuff I have - too much to keep track of.
Too much to look at - and some I will never use or look at's just that decision time.

Almost finished...

finished...12 1/2 feet long by 24" deep - floor to ceiling - 3 shelves, not counting the floor but can't put too much there due to moisture that comes up through the concrete in wet times. I also have a new aluminum
step ladder for this short person to climb up to the top shelf.

That ought to do it!

Stay tuned for the beginning of '30 in 30' starting Jan. 1st!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Zebras on Throw Pillows

Go HERE to see a new addition to my online marketplaces - 
 it's at, an addition to Fine Art America.

Here is an example of the size and price 
(smaller sizes and other items are available, too) - 
this 20" x 20" throw pillow is only $38.00!!
What a great addition to a bedroom, living room, or RV!

Thanks for checking it out!

Happy 17th Blogiversary to ME

 I would like to admit, it's still here, I'm still here and it's still worthy of my attention - although sporadic.   Here are a ...