Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where I Stand Sunday

My three dogs rely on us for so much. During the last two days, they all got a bath and their bedding was laundered. They all looked so relieved..silly me - not realizing how good it would make them feel. The big dog loves his "pluffies" all cleaned. He couldn't stay out of his little nighttime cage after I had washed and dried all the covers in there. He had a big smile on his face.

It seems like I am out of commission on doing art these days, believe me, I would rather be doing that right now. I have been working so diligently on our webpage for NCKAA. Some of it is can go there and check it out. I am using an older version of Front Page to publish it to the web. We needed to get ourselves out there to the world, ASAP I felt, so I took on the task and it has been a huge learning experience. I am such a perfectionist though, it tears me up when it doesn't go 100% like it should And there are some glitches. So, check back from time to time to see the progress. North Central Kansas Association of Artists - NCKAA! Let me know what you think?!!

Where I Stand Sunday is an ongoing photo essay examining the different places I spend my life standing.
Too often we take for granted the everyday places we spend our lives walking on.
The ground we tread on has its own stories to tell.

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