Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday, we spent the afternoon and into the evening under t-storm and tornado warnings.  It rained, it hailed, the winds swirled from all different directions.  The morning after a weather event like this, I like to take my Nikon out to capture the damage...and I do mean damage.  The photos below will show  the aftermath of  about 3 1/2 " of torrential rain and flooding waters. 

Our world is 'downstream' and many things found their way to us, which we never imagined.  In farm country and pastures there is always debris.  Many floatable loose logs are now in new areas - down spillways, over and under the bridge, up on the banks of the creek.  The ground is extremely spongy. 

Some of the road is washed away at the bridge.  The shale in the roadbase is now down over the edge of the road scattered across the property.  Our dry pond is now about 3 feet deep.  We are never prepared for the surprising force of nature. In perspective, our experience is nothing like the floods of the southern U.S.  or the tsunami's of the Far East...but it is 'relative' to our lives, all the same.
 Many of these areas in the photos are usually dry.

This is the pond.

The pond spilled over the road to the creek.

But the cornfield ate away at the bank and brought along a large log that was stuck there for several years and was a natural 'water slowdown'.  Not anymore..

There is a fence underneath that debris.

Prairie grass laying flat shows that there was a fast spilling waterfall
in that area last night.

Today they are predicting more of the same ~ and of course, LIFE goes on...


Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Pattie - how devastating...that poor little bunny looks as though he has no idea where to go to keep dry. We are supposed to have two days of dry, sunny weather, and then the week ahead is full of more rain. Just hope I can get my garden in this weekend.
Stay dry - stay safe.

Pattie Wall said...

I hear you Claire - I am out to the garden as soon as I type here. We, too, are supposed to get more wetness next week. We have a plethora of bunnies right now. I even know where the newborn bunny dens the grass areas. Have to mark them so we don't mow over them...and mowing will come very soon with all this rain.

Adventures in Pyrography

 Last year about this time, I purchased a cheapo woodburning set and some little wood pieces and tried my hand at woodburning.  I made a few...