Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where I Stand Sunday

Meadow mushrooms - a foot large!  And there were more than this...growing in the appropriate area ~ the orchard.  That area of our land reminds me of 'fairyland' - where, if there were a place where spritefull fairies should live here in farm country, it would be here. 
Where I Stand Sunday is an ongoing photo essay examining the different places I spend my life standing.
Too often we take for granted the everyday places we spend our lives walking on.
There are several others who also write this on Sunday, see sidebar.

1 comment:

Maiden of Nature said...

I love mushrooms! I read a really interesting article about angel mushrooms and how they effect the body. Pretty, but dangerous!



Adventures in Pyrography

 Last year about this time, I purchased a cheapo woodburning set and some little wood pieces and tried my hand at woodburning.  I made a few...