Tuesday, December 19, 2017

In the Meantime

I know it's true and am reminded so often, if you aren't able to paint and have an artist's blog, post some of your older things..I have been sifting through and choose this one today.
This is my red dox, Chaco done in acrylic on board.  
He is my best friend.  I captured him smiling
as he slept in the RV on a trip.

I loved his little contented smile.
He smiles often.
Here we are, neither one of us smiling - but hugs all the same.

1 comment:

Chris Lally said...

Hahaha! No smiles for the camera this time.
Awww, but what a cutie pie he is!! And a "snuggler," too.
Great painting! Glad you posted it. I think it's a terrific idea to post older paintings. Hope to see more.

Adventures in Pyrography

 Last year about this time, I purchased a cheapo woodburning set and some little wood pieces and tried my hand at woodburning.  I made a few...