Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The ART of Practice

On Mondays, we can paint with others at the gallery.  I was in a quandary about what to take for my first time. I don't paint away from my studio very much.  When I work I need LOTS of space, because I use lots of different materials and the gallery area is not really set up for that one.  So, not wanting to push anyone's space with lots of stuff, I chose to fill my carpenters bucket with watercolor materials and took an Arches pad.  It worked out just fine.  Had fun and lots of chatting.  Getting to know others and finding out  I really am in the right place - finally.  Kansas (where we lived anyway) had so little to offer for ART experiences like this one.  'Bloom where you are planted' has always been my motto, but I like it better when there are plenty more gardeners who are serious about what they do.  I imagined that I wouldn't get much done, but I did.  Here is a watercolor I started and am thinking about where to take it.  I used a reference photo from - a 'free to use' photo site that is just full of unique and awesome images.


Chris Lally said...

Wow, Pattie! What a gorgeous watercolor!!
I'm glad you found your "partners in crime." It really is more fun that way.

Pattie Wall said...

Thanks Chris and it really is much more fun. The week has flown by, I have been so busy ONCE AGAIN, with house stuff, it hasn't gone further. Well at least I can say now, that I AM getting to paint, even if it is ONCE a week.

Adventures in Pyrography

 Last year about this time, I purchased a cheapo woodburning set and some little wood pieces and tried my hand at woodburning.  I made a few...