Monday, October 5, 2009

A Duck by Any Other Name

"Domestic Mallard"
10" x 12"
pastel on velour
I am not able to slow down right now.  Seems to be a painting a day, which is what I need to be doing. Lots of events this month, that will keep me out of the studio and I have two shows to get ready for. 
Never realized it until I was finished, this duck is a cross between a domestic duck and a mallard female.  Guess one has to realize when you go to a city park, you may encounter more of those than you know. She was with a bunch of white ducks, that I removed from the scene.  I just liked her, her interesting coloring and the way she was calmly contemplating jumping in, not too concerned with my daughter and I nearby.
Purchase info on ETSY.

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