Friday, April 19, 2013

Portrait Practice

Portrait practice today in oil 
on a 6" x 8" canvasboard.
Wet paint shine on the left...oh well.
I bet I painted those eyes - 4 times..finally gave up.


Barbara Pask said...

Beautiful work Pattie and a gorgeous gal.

Barbara Pask said...

Beautiful work Pattie and a gorgeous gal.

Maria's Watercolor said...

It is really beautiful, the eyes turned out so nicely :)

Pattie Wall said...

Thanks Barb! I love painting portraits but have to improve...have difficulty with color so much of the time.

Pattie Wall said...

TY Maria - I need to take a better photo - iPad just don't got it on good art photo taking.

Helen H Trachy said...

Is this Jennifer Lawrence maybe? Beautiful eyes! :)

Pattie Wall said...

Thanks Helen - sorta - but something about it wasn't her, so I didn't claim that it was. It either makes it or it doesn't, and when it doesn't, that is practice to me.

Happy 17th Blogiversary to ME

 I would like to admit, it's still here, I'm still here and it's still worthy of my attention - although sporadic.   Here are a ...